Invitation to the first Expo Fair for Banana and Coconut
For the first time in the history of the municipality of Cihuatlán there will be the Fair and Expo for farmers of Coco Banana, the farm products that have sustained the local economy for decade.
The events begin next May 2, at 9:00 pm (?PM?) with the opening ceremony at the Cultural Center Cihuatl, enclosure in which a collection of photographs entitled "La Jornada del Campo", which are reflected details will be discussed of tasks related to the cultivation and harvesting of bananas and coconut, the way hundreds of people work to produce the agricultural valley and get income for their families.
There will also be a lecture INIFAP experts, Dr. Mario Orozco Santos and Mr. Abraham García Berber, who speak on topics related to the field.
Specially for women and chefs, the chef of the Gris de la Torre, will offer a culinary shows and cooking classes with products banana and coconut for free.
Note that all events are free and the public in general.